Thursday, December 3, 2009

Special Olympics starts

Lily in her Special Olympics uniform just about to leave for the athletes village (Massey University) where she'll be staying until Sunday.

Paul and Hannah in their volunteer uniforms.

The opening ceremony for the Special Olympics National games was wonderful.

The mayor said of all the events he'd attended in the arena, none had been so moving as watching the athletics parade in.
Lily performed fantastically well as did all the dancers in the group. We were in the front of the seats for Manawatu supporters and had a great view. Paul videoed it on his cell phone so I'll get him to post it here later.
TV one news were filming it all and are putting on a special on Sunday night after the main news.
Today our two keen volunteers left bright and early for the pool, Hannah as timekeeper and Paul to sort out his field hospital as first-aider!


Nan P. said...

Lily looks fab, a natural. Has she ever done any photo modelling?

Anonymous said...

I've never noticed before how much Hannah looks like Noah.
Everyone looks great in their green uniforms. I hope they all have lots of fun.