Sunday, January 16, 2011

off we go

On Tuesday we are off on holiday to Disneyland for Hannah's 21st birthday and my sister Caroline and her family is staying here while we're away so it's worked out really well.
It also has encouraged us to do a few needed things like turning off and cleaning the aga - unfortunately it could do with fumigating now as I put a pair of shoes to dry in the warming oven and instead of an hour I forgot them for 24hours!! I now know how well asics trainers are made as all the glue melted and the layers separated!
Isaac has just had a paediatrician appointment and has gained 50g and half a centimetre in the last 6 months - he's still between the 3rd and 10th centile for Down syndrome though. I had also noticed that he has a slow pulse rate, sometimes just 60 - so he had an ECG, which just showed right bundle branch block from his surgery but was otherwise normal.
The paediatrician has given us a letter saying Isaac needs custards to give him fluid so we can hopefully bypass the security issues at the airport - we had a bad time at Manchester airport when we had to taste half the food we had and the opened jellies leaked in our bag!
Noah continues to display his impulsive sometimes wild behaviour but at least this is a positive at Disneyland as it means we can get a guest assistance pass so he doesn't have to queue for so long.
Beth continues to plan for the wedding and at last has found bridesmaid dresses she likes - (on sale at David Jones at a very good price)
The little bridesmaids are wearing ivory dresses with sashes to match the older bridesmaids dress colours. Noah will wear his smart suit if we can get all the mud out when we take it to the cleaners (He crawled across a muddy garden at a birthday party) and Isaac will have ivory trousers and top.
We're back on Sunday 30th Jan and Noah starts school on Feb 1st and Isaac on Feb 3rd - it will be good to get back to routine!


Sharon said...

Have a wonderful trip Angela!

Anonymous said...

It was great to read your update. I did laugh about the shoes in the oven. Cor!
I hope you all have a wonderful time at Disneyland. It sounds like so much fun.
Take care,